30 Day Next Steps


Your first step, and next steps...


Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Every person has been born physically, but not all have been born spiritually. Yet God desires each person to be born spiritually—the first step. The pathway to spiritual birth is summarized in Day 1.

As with a natural birth, the period immediately following a spiritual birth—the next steps—can be a time of great risk. We don’t adapt instantly to our new environment. The change to a life in Jesus takes time, patience and special care.

To help you keep growing, what follows is a brief, but powerful, series of life lessons called Next Steps: A 30-Day Guide to Spiritual Growth. This guide will enable you to begin your journey on a solid footing. It is designed for use each day for the next 30 days.

I wish Next Steps had been available to me when I became a follower of Jesus over 40 years ago. I know it would have accelerated my spiritual growth, and helped me avoid some dumb mistakes. My wife, Wendy, and I have now raised six children, and they have blessed us with 17 grandchildren. I’ve had a successful business career. But nothing has been a greater joy than walking with Jesus, an adventure that continues to this day.

May you likewise find that joy.

John D. Beckett

Why not begin the next stage of your journey right now? Day 1, “Personal Transformation,” is waiting for you!

Begin Now